Try the new capabilities in Terraform 0.13. Use count and for each with modules, log into HCP Terraform with the CLI, and use a third-party provider with the new provider source syntax.
Manage similar Terraform resources using the count argument. Create a VPC with a load balancer and EC2 instances. Then use count to manage a configurable number of similar AWS EC2 instances across multiple subnets.
Manage similar resources with for each
Provision similar infrastructure components by iterating over a data structure with the for_each argument. Duplicate an entire VPC including a load balancer and multiple EC2 instances for each project defined in a map.
Log in to HCP Terraform from the CLI
Log into HCP Terraform or Enterprise with the Terraform CLI to migrate state, trigger remote runs, and interact with HCP Terraform.
Create resource dependencies
Create an implicit dependency between an EC2 instance and its Elastic IP using variable interpolation. Create explicit dependencies on an S3 Bucket and SQS Queue with depends_on. Learn how Terraform creates independent resources in parallel.
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